How to Transfer Files and Folders with Rsync over SSH? Linux

Rsync can be used to transfer files and directories over SSH between systems on the network. The most popular protocols are SSH and FTP. FTP is a popular protocol and SSH is the most secure way to transfer files. SCP and SFTP are some of the tools that are available to transfer files over SSH,... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How do you Increase Memcached Memory? Linux

Memcached is a high performance distributed memory caching system. Memcache is mainly used to speed up web application by reducing the database load. Memcached stores data objects in dynamic memory, due to which whenever a request is sent to the database, memcached renders the contents stored within it. This results in the speeding of the... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to Install and Configure LAPS? Security

Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) is a Microsoft product that manages the local account passwords of domain joined computers. Passwords are stored in Active Directory (AD) and protected by ACL. How to implement LAPS Step 1: Add Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) Role Step 2: Add one client computer to the domain Step 3: Download... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to Fix Crashed MySQL 8.0 and Won’t Start Up in Ubuntu Linux? Database

MySQL is an open source RDBMS that supports all platforms like Unix, Windows and Linux. MySQL is mostly associated with web apps and online publishing. MySQL can be used to a wide range of applications as the working model is a client-based server. There would be situations where the MySQL database server would crash and... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to Remove Dockers and Configure with Btrfs? Dockers

Btrfs is the next generation filesystem that supports advanced storage technologies. Btrfs is a good fit for Docker and is included in the Linux kernel. Btrfs storage driver has many features for image and container management. Some of these features are block-level operations, thin provisioning, copy-on-write snapshots and easy administration. It can easily combine multiple... Continue Reading Continue Reading


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