How can I harden /etc/sysctl.conf and disable ICMP broadcast requests? Core

Ping is the most basic method of determining whether a server is reachable over the internet. Ping works by sending ICMP echo request packets to the destination host and waiting for an ICMP broadcast requests echo response. It’s only used for troubleshooting and testing. When there isn’t a need for it, you must disable it.... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to strengthen Ubuntu server password protection? Core

Keeping a Ubuntu server secure from assaults and data leaks requires implementing a robust password policy. Enforcing a minimum length and specifying password age are two best practices for password regulations. To complete these operations, I use the libpam-cracklib software. Install the libpam-cracklib package: sudo apt-get install libpam-cracklib To enforce password length: Go to the /etc/pam.d/common-password file... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to scan for malware in Ubuntu Servers? Core

Ubuntu server for malware Antivirus scanning software can protect viruses from infecting your computer. It’s a simple approach to maintain your server free of viruses if you use them. ClamAV, an open-source antivirus program, is my preferred utility. Install ClamAV: sudo apt-get install ClamAV Update virus signatures: sudo freshclam Ubuntu server for malware, Scan all files for... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to enable Firewall/Iptables? Core

Iptables is a user-space utility application for configuring the IP packet filter rules of the enable firewall in the linux kernel firewall, which are implemented as separate Netfilter modules. The filters are structured in separate tables, each of which has a set of rules for how network traffic packets should be handled. Currently, separate kernel... Continue Reading Continue Reading

How to disable non essential services that are prone to exploitation? Core

Disabling unneeded services is a wise practice. As a result, fewer ports are available for exploitation in case of unwanted services running on the server of the nonessential service. Install the systemd package: sudo apt-get install systemd See which non essential services are running: systemctl list-units Recognize which services may expose your system to potential... Continue Reading Continue Reading


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