How to scan for malware in Ubuntu Servers? Core

Ubuntu server for malware Antivirus scanning software can protect viruses from infecting your computer. It’s a simple approach to maintain your server free of viruses if you use them. ClamAV, an open-source antivirus program, is my preferred utility. Install ClamAV:

sudo apt-get install ClamAV

Update virus signatures:

sudo freshclam

Ubuntu server for malware, Scan all files for infected files and print them out, striking a bell when one is detected:

sudo clamscan -r –bell -i /

Scans can and should be automated so you don’t have to remember to do them or waste time doing them manually. You may use system timers or your favorite cron for simple automation like this.

At Velan, our server support engineers can scan for malware, harden & manage your Linux server. If you are interested in our service, please fill the Quick connect form to get in touch with us.


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