How to Connect MySQL Workbench to MYSQL RDS DB instance using an SSH tunnel? AWS

To connect the EC2 instance and Connect MySQL Workbench RDS DB instance, we must first configure the security group inbound rules, network ACLs, and route tables.

In addition, we must verify that the EC2 instance can connect to the internet from the local PC using its public IP address.

  1. First, we have to launch the MySQL Workbench.
  2. Next, we have to choose MySQL New Connection and give it a name.
  3. After that, we have to choose Standard TCP/IP over SSH as the Connection Method.
  4. Under SSH Hostname, we have to provide the EC2 instance’s public IP address.
  5. Then, for SSH Username, we have to use the EC2 instance’s default SSH user name.
  6. Followingly, we have to choose SSH Key File and the .pem file from the file system to connect.
  7. After that, we have to type the database endpoint name into MySQL Hostname.
  8. Similarly, we have to enter the port number that we use to connect to the database in the MySQL Server Port field.
  9. Then, we have to enter the user name used to connect to the database in Username.
  10. After that, we have to enter the MySQL user password for Password.
  11. Finally, we have to choose Test Connection from the drop-down menu. We have to pick OK to save the connection after the test is successful.

We can use an SSH tunnel to connect to the private RDS DB instance once we’ve configured the connection.

At Velan, our server support engineers can help to connect the RDS instances through the SSH tunnel with Connect MySQL Workbench in AWS. If you are interested in our service, please fill the Quick connect form to get in touch with us.


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