Should You Use Flutter in Your Project? What Are Its Pros and Cons? 4 May 2023

Flutter app development

Flutter is one of the most rapidly expanding cross-platform development tools. If you found this page by searching for Flutter, you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about and whether Flutter is worth a shot. Flutter app development streamlines the process, allowing you to release more apps more quickly. Deploy to six different targets using a single codebase.

Flutter is a good choice, no matter where your app development path takes you. In this article, we’ll introduce you to Flutter, go through the flutter advantages and drawbacks of utilizing it, and look at what you can build with this open-source software development kit.

What exactly is Flutter?

Flutter is a Google open-source UI toolkit for creating stunning native user interfaces (UIs) from a single codebase. In other words, Flutter apps can operate on Android, iOS, and the web. Dart is used to create the Flutter framework. Dart is an object-oriented programming language that is relatively new. It is simple to learn if you are familiar with another programming language, such as JavaScript. With the introduction of Flutter 3.0, it is now able to construct desktop and online applications in addition to cross-platform apps.

What are the characteristics of flutter?

Rapid Reload

Any updates made by developers will be reflected immediately in the app. Because the developer can observe the change as it happens, issues may be fixed in seconds. This functionality will also allow the developer to test and improve new functionalities.

Gaining Access to a Native Feature

The native code, third-party integration, and platform APIs of Flutter make the developer’s job easier. They may access native features and SDKs, as well as reuse languages like Kotlin and Swift on the iOS and Android platforms.

Minimal Coding

Flutter employs the Dart programming language, which employs JIT and AOT compilation to improve the app’s functionality and startup time, as well as speed it. All of this can be accomplished with minimal programming input.


Flutter provides access to a large variety of classic widgets. It also includes features to help you effortlessly construct your widget. As we can see, Flutter has a lot of capabilities, and it is a good idea to employ Flutter developers for your app development as soon as possible.

Overview of the Flutter Architecture

The Flutter tool is made up of three architectural layers:

  • Flutter’s framework is the most apparent component of the technology. It’s built with the Dart programming language.
  • Engine: This layer, written in C/C++, offers graphics, accessibility support, text layout, and other critical APIs.
  • Embedder: A platform-specific embedder is used to assist the Flutter app running on any operating system.

What distinguishes Flutter?

If you’ve ever created a mobile app with a cross-platform framework like React Native or Xamarin, your code will pass via a bridge or switch that compiles the code into a WebView through JavaScript before being displayed on the device. Flutter, on the other hand, produces apps natively rather than relying on the platform. All Flutter requires is a canvas to show widgets on the screen and access events like tapping and services like the device’s camera.

What Is the Definition of Flutter App Development?

Flutter app development is the process of creating rich cross-platform apps that act natively on any platform while using the same codebase and Flutter as the UI framework. As a result, you’ll only have to write code once, as opposed to developing code from scratch for Android and iOS as in the case of native apps. However, because of Flutter’s unique characteristics, your app will appear flawless and will perfectly replicate the platform-specific native experience.

You save weeks of building platform-specific code as a developer. As a business owner, you save time and money while also bringing your product to market faster. Win-win!

Why Use Flutter: Advantages and Disadvantages

Flutter has attracted a huge and dedicated developer community since its inception. One of Flutter’s advantages is its simplicity. This implies that widgets may be changed or customized with ease. Furthermore, the Dart programming language and Flutter are simple to learn and use, so there will never be a scarcity of specialists; any software developer can easily and rapidly switch if necessary. UI widgets that comply with key web application design guidelines are one of Flutter’s most enticing features.

What are the advantages of Flutter?

  • Flutter’s code evolves very quickly, and you can make changes to your app very quickly thanks to features like hot reload.
  •  Flutter apps are highly smooth and seamless, which means they don’t hang or cut while scrolling.
  •  Developers must do fewer tests. This is due to the app’s utilization of the same code for two platforms. As a result, developers only need to write one automated test, and quality assurance takes less time.
  • If you are a startup looking to design a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to propose to an investor, Flutter can help you create it in less time.
  •  To build your UI, Flutter may access previous widgets or generate new ones. This UI is also compatible with previous versions of Android and iOS.
  • There is room for a Flutter app development company. It does, however, have significant drawbacks.

What are the drawbacks of using Flutter?

Here are a few cons to using Flutter:

  • Flutter is making waves, but it is not widely known. As a result, your team will need to employ bespoke scripts.
  • Flutter’s library is extensive, yet it is restricted, and much more needs to be developed.
  • Web browsers do not currently support Flutter applications. Flutter apps are larger than typical in size.

How is Flutter cross-platform?

Flutter programming is compatible with desktop, mobile, and online platforms. As a result, you won’t have to hire engineers for each platform. You simply need to write the code once in Flutter, and you can be confident that the app will run on other platforms. So, Flutter is inexpensive. Adding functionality to your app is quick since you only need to make code adjustments once with Flutter.

The Flutter framework provides APIs for painting and events (through widgets). It also makes APIs available for platform-specific services (through method channels). So, Flutter exposes everything to you so that you may create the app as you want. That is how cross-platform software functions.

So, is Flutter suitable for app development?

Yes, Flutter is fantastic for app development if you want an app that works smoothly across all platforms, only needs to be built once, has a faster time-to-market, and has perfect UI and performance on par with native development at a much cheaper cost. However, there are certain extremely particular scenarios where Flutter may not be appropriate. If you are committed to having a native app, you will go through native app development.

Alternatively, if you require a 3D touch app, Flutter does not now support it. If your program requires extensive interaction with the device hardware, like a camera or phone call, Flutter may be a good choice. Flutter apps tend to be on the heavy side, so if you need a simple app, you may want to skip over it.

What Apps Are Created Using Flutter?

Flutter was quickly accepted by the developer community, and as we mentioned in the introduction, there are now over 50,000 Flutter applications on Google Play. The development of Flutter is gaining traction.

  • Reflectly

Reflectly, a mindfulness app was initially designed in React Native and then moved to Flutter. While the React Native version performed well on iOS, the developers did not appreciate its Android counterpart as much as they would have liked. They “fell in love with the cross-platform consistency, near-instant stateful hot reloading, great tooling, and high performance of the platform” when they ultimately made the transition to Flutter.

  • Alibaba

When the world’s largest online marketplace wanted to launch its new app, it selected Flutter. Xianyu by Alibaba has 200 million registered users, with over 50 million of them utilizing the Flutter app. The creators want an app with great visuals that also loads quickly. They discovered that Flutter’s quick FPS and crisp UI and navigation were just what they required.

  • Hamilton Music

The popular Broadway show Hamilton required an app with a vast feature set that was attractive, quick, and worthy. Their initial plan was to take the traditional method and create two native applications, one for iOS and one for Android. But that would take much too long, and they were concerned that they would not have the extensive feature set they desired by the launch date they had chosen. Flutter provided them with the answer they required: a sophisticated app that could be accessed by anybody on any device and was available in record time.

  • Philips Hue

Philips Hue smart lighting solutions may be operated via your smartphone and generate vivid, automated lighting solutions for your home. They required an app with simple controls that could sync the smart lights to the media hub in real time. Flutter quickly became their preferred option.


The dynamic real estate app makes use of Flutter to provide consumers with an award-winning experience. Realtor’s app had no time to waste with listings changing in real-time, so Flutter came in handy.

  • The New York Times

The famous Ken Ken game is now available as an app powered by Flutter, which the New York Times created for its millions of readers. Square, Groupon, Tencent, Nubank, Emaar, Ebay, and many more are among the hundreds of popular applications.

Flutter employs which programming language?

Dart is the programming language used by Flutter. Despite Google’s lack of promotion, Dart swiftly became one of the most popular open-source projects on GitHub in terms of contributor count. Dart is a fast language that produces clean code due to its excellent typing system and concise syntax.

However, what truly distinguishes Dart are some clever implementation-oriented features such as the Ahead-of-Time (AoT) compiler as well as the VM and JIT (Just in Time) that power the hot-reload and fast refresh capabilities that enable the real-time view of changes, producing the kind of speed developers enjoy while writing code. Furthermore, it is simple to learn and compiles flawlessly with JavaScript, making it a joy to work with even if you are just getting started.

Which is better, Flutter or React Native?

Flutter and React Native are both excellent cross-platform app development frameworks. Each has its own set of functions and characteristics. Continue reading to learn about the two app development frameworks and their key differences.

  • Programming Language

React Native builds cross-platform apps with JavaScript. This makes it exceedingly simple for web developers to begin their path into mobile app development. Flutter requires the use of Dart, a language launched by Google in 2011. Dart makes use of a variety of object-oriented notions that developers may be unfamiliar with. They are, nonetheless, rather simple to understand and use.

  • Configuration and setup

Compared to React Native, the Flutter setup procedure is simpler and easier. Flutter includes automatic system problem detection, which React Native significantly lacks.

  • Performance

When compared to React Native, the Flutter application is more performant. Flutter is developed in the Dart programming language, which enables faster code compilation than JavaScript. Furthermore, animations are typically displayed at 60 frames per second. Flutter is developed in the Dart programming language, which enables faster code compilation than JavaScript. Furthermore, animations are typically displayed at 60 frames per second. By default, all Flutter apps have high performance.

  • Architecture

The JavaScript bridge allows communication between JavaScript and the native language in React Native. Flutter, on the other hand, uses the Dart framework, which does not necessitate the usage of a bridge to communicate with native components. It contains everything, including frameworks such as Cupertino and Material Design. As a result, Flutter apps are more reliable and predictable across platforms than React Native apps.

  • The user interface

React Native uses custom components to access native Android and iOS components. The main benefit is that React Native comes with a plethora of ready-made components that can be used as building blocks.

React Native components, on the other hand, might behave differently between platforms. Flutter has UI widgets, making it simple to create native-like applications. It is not necessary to look for third-party libraries. Furthermore, Flutter apps are uniform across platforms.

Meanwhile, for those who like an objective comparison, here’s a quick chart for you:

Feature  Flutter 




  Created By


Google Facebook
Programming Language Dart Java Script
Code Sharing Currently on iOS and Android. Flutter proposes to offer a single integrated code for mobile, web, and desktop. Allows developers to easily rewrite sections of code that need to be customized to the platform.


 On iOS and Android. There are, however, certain libraries that enable code sharing across iOS, Android, the web, and Windows 10 platforms. Allows ample code reuse but requires rewriting several sections, like styling elements and finer nuances.


Development speed


Much faster than native app development Faster than native development, on par with Flutter


  Top apps


Some of the best Flutter examples include Hamilton Music, Google Ads, Reflectly, and Alibaba.


Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Tesla, and Walmart


Flutter App Development Challenges

While Flutter technology provides many advantages for organizations, there are several instances where it still requires improvement.
Lack of third-party libraries: Because Flutter is a relatively new technology, third-party libraries are currently scarce. Third-party libraries aid in the development process; therefore, this is unquestionably a disadvantage of building apps using Flutter.

Big file size: Flutter apps are initially fairly big and hefty. They take time to download or update and take up a lot of space.

New competencies are required: While Flutter is simple to learn and use, Flutter developers must first master Dart.

This necessitates an additional learning phase, which can add time and money to any project.

That being said, if a developer is familiar with Java or C#, they can quickly grasp Dart.

So, why flutter?

We hope you now have a better grasp of what Flutter app development is and why it may benefit your company. The Flutter framework is still a relatively young tool for app development. Nonetheless, it has become a first option for many, rapidly winning the hearts of software engineers. Flutter is more accessible than its competitors, is less expensive, and offers an easy-to-use UI. Flutter, in our opinion, is worth a try, and our team will be closely following its development and improvement.

Velan has been offering Flutter solutions that have provided substantial advantages to organizations all across the world. Using Flutter, we provided solutions for improving corporate processes and creating modern, user-friendly functionality. Our development team is ready to assist your company in determining whether this product is a good fit for your needs.

Contact us right now to discuss the benefits of using Flutter or if you need technical support.


Peter Paul

Technology Consultant

About the Author:

Peter has over 20+ years of experience in managing and delivering enterprise applications and IT infrastructure. He served several IT companies in the US and Canada before joining Velan. He is instrumental in deploying, managing and delivering latest technologies at Velan. He can be reached at


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