21 Jul 2022

Leveraging Business Intelligence: A Quick Read on Benefits and Challenges

Challenges of Business Intelligence

Tables of Content : Leveraging Business Intelligence For Mobile Apps Benefits of Business Intelligence Main Challenges of Business Intelligence Imagine a scenario where a mobile app not only works in the favor of its users but also understands them to make itself the most useful in any given scenario. We are talking about the notifications... Continue Reading Continue Reading

3 Feb 2022

Microsoft Power BI | 6 Insightful Tips

Power BI

Power BI is Microsoft’s tool that helps create awesome data visualizations and dashboard reports for business intelligence. You can retrieve relevant data from the cloud, or your premises to create dashboards that enable tracked details to drill in or ask questions to help make informed business decisions using real-time data. Create a visual display of... Continue Reading Continue Reading

20 May 2021

How Is Business Intelligence Transforming Accounting And Financing?

BI Transforming Accounting And Financing

Improve decision-making in your organization by unlocking Business Intelligence. Business Intelligence is the collection of historical and present data of an organization. It leverages software and services to transform that data into actionable insights for the benefit of the organization. In other words, it integrates business analytics, data visualization, data mining, data tools, infrastructure, and... Continue Reading Continue Reading

10 Apr 2020

Generate More Customers With Website Data And Analytics

Generate More Customers With Website

Me: Do you have a great website with great design and user experience? Reader: Yes… Me: Congrats! You have cleared Step #1. Me: Do your website and its features operate seamlessly? Reader: Hmmm…yes! Me: Great! Step #2 – cleared. Me: Are your customers happy? Or do you at least feel that your customers will be... Continue Reading Continue Reading

19 Jan 2018

5 Steps to use Power BI Web Part for SharePoint

Use Power BI Web Part For SharePoint

Power BI gives your SharePoint installation a much-desired edge – useful insights and analytics that are as user-friendly & easy, as they are powerful. Microsoft’s team just kicked the usability up a notch by launching a web part to allow users easily embed Power BI reports into SharePoint! This post is all about exploring how... Continue Reading Continue Reading


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