Cloud Migration 103: Understanding Your Deployment Options — Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Or Hybrid Cloud? 14 Mar 2024

Cloud Deployment Models

There is no particular type of cloud computing that is perfect for an organization. There are several different cloud computing types, models, and services that have evolved to meet the swiftly improving technology needs of organizations.

There are three different methods to deploy cloud services in an organization: on a private cloud, public cloud, or hybrid cloud. Which deployment works best has to be decided based on your business’s needs and capabilities.

What is a Public Cloud?

Public clouds are one of the most deployed cloud computing types. The cloud servers and storage are owned and operated by a third-party cloud service provider for the users to operate via the internet.

Hardware, software, and the infrastructure are all owned by the third-party cloud service provider with a public cloud. The third-party team will take care of the management and administration of the public cloud.

The examples of public cloud types are

  • Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Google Cloud Interconnect
  • AWS Direct Connect
  • Oracle Cloud FastConnect
  • Blue cloud by IBM

The public cloud architecture is known as the “multi-tenant type.” On a public cloud, the resources have to share the same hardware, storage, and network devices with other organizations. The data will remain independent, however, the sharing space will be the same. The organizations can log in to the web accounts and access their data remotely. The rapid transmission of the data depends on network connectivity. Any amount of data can be stored on the public cloud at a very efficient price.

Public cloud deployment models are often used to provide web-based email, online office applications, testing and development environment, and storage spaces.

Advantages of the public cloud

  1. High scalability: The organizations do not have to invest in new hardware, infrastructure and maintenance, and the latest technological requirements according to the evolving demands.
  2. Pay-as-you-go pricing: You will have to pay only what you use on the public cloud.
  3. Zero responsibility: You do not have to worry about updating and hardware maintenance.
  4. Minimal technical knowledge: You do not need to be a pro or understand the intricacies of the cloud to set up or use the public cloud resources for your business.
  5. 100% availability: Public cloud services are available for everyone at any time over the internet. A vast network of servers will ensure against any failure.

Disadvantages of the public cloud

  1. Limited security: A few specific security requirements may prohibit the use of the public cloud.
  2. Limited policy compliance: A few government policies, legal requirements, and industry standards cannot be addressed by the public cloud platforms.
  3. Usage restriction: As you don’t own the hardware and software on the public cloud, you may have some usage restrictions.
  4. Failure to meet unique business requirements: Public cloud is common, and you may not be able to customize as per your niche requirements.

What is a Private Cloud?

A private cloud, unlike a public cloud, provides cloud computing services that can be used exclusively by one organization. The resources cannot be shared. The private cloud can be physically located at your organization’s on-site data center, or it can be hosted exclusively by a third-party service provider. The infrastructure and the services are maintained solely on a private network and the software and hardware are dedicated to the organization.

This feature of the private cloud makes it easier for organizations to customize the resources as per their business needs. The private cloud services can be tailored to meet the specific IT requirements of the company. Government organizations, financial institutions, mid-to-large size businesses, companies working with sensitive data that need improved security over their cloud platform normally use a private cloud.

The private cloud service providers are:

  • Oracle
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
  • IBM
  • Dell EMC
  • VMWare
  • Helion Cloud Suite
  • Microsoft
  • Cisco
  • NetApp
  • RedHat
  • AWS [not a huge player though]

Advantages of the private cloud

  1. 100% customizable: The private cloud features can be configured to support any legacy application or scenario.
  2. Fully secure: The organization can be certain of the full security of its data.
  3. Guaranteed compliance: The private cloud can meet uncompromising compliance, security, or legal requirements.

Disadvantages of the private cloud

  1. Huge investment: The initial capital expenditure will be high, and it is required for the purchase and maintenance of hardware.
  2. Requires cloud usage skill: The private cloud requires a skilled person to set up and leverage the resources.
  3. Poor scalability: There will be limitations on the scalability since you will have to purchase and install the new hardware every time you want an upgrade.

What is a Hybrid Cloud?

A hybrid cloud is the combination of the public cloud and the private cloud. It is a cloud computing model that unites on-premises infrastructure with the public cloud. It allows the transfer of data and apps to travel between the two cloud environments.

Hybrid cloud is highly appreciated by organizations that want to leverage the advantage of cost and high security at the same time. Due to business imperatives, highly confidential data, data sovereignty requirements, adherence to government and legal compliances, the organizations can choose the private cloud and stay on the public cloud for other services and infrastructure. You can run your website on a public cloud and leverage scalable advantages, and use the private cloud to deploy databases and for data security.

The hybrid cloud is expanding to encompass edge workloads. Edge computing connects the cloud computing power to IoT devices — in close proximity to where the data resides. By moving workloads to the edge, devices can spend less time communicating with the cloud, lessen latency, and operate reliably in prolonged offline periods.

A hybrid cloud platform gives businesses multiple benefits like more deployment options, enhanced flexibility, compliance, security, and getting more value from their existing infrastructure. When processing and computing demand fluctuates, hybrid cloud computing gives businesses the ability to streamline their on-premises infrastructure to the public cloud to manage any overflow. It will prevent the third-party data centers from accessing any data. Businesses can take advantage of the innovation and flexibility the public cloud offers by running specific workloads in the cloud, and while keeping highly confidential data in their own data center to meet the regulatory requirements or the client needs.

Doing so will allow the organizations to scale and eliminate the need to make massive investments to handle short-spike demands. Companies will only pay for the resources they temporarily use instead of having to purchase, program, and maintain any additional resources and equipment that could remain idle over long periods.

Advantages of the hybrid cloud

  1. Accessibility: You can keep any systems accessible and running that use outdated hardware or an operating system.
  2. Control: You can have more flexibility, control, and scalability compared to on-premises systems. Your organization can manage a private infrastructure for confidential data and workloads that need low latency.
  3. Flexibility: You can play the advantage of your additional resources in the public cloud when you need them.
  4. Cost-effectiveness: You have the ability to scale to the public cloud, and so you can pay as you use.
  5. Ease: Transitioning to the cloud is simpler, and you can migrate gradually in phases, depending on the workloads.
  6. Safe: You can use your equipment to meet compliance, security, and legal requirements.

Disadvantages of the hybrid cloud

  1. Complicated setup: It is highly complicated to set up the first time and manage.
  2. Expensive: It is a one-time expensive cost that you may have to incur during the set up of the public and private cloud.
  3. Single point of failure: Controller hardware devices like the hardware controllers or cloud keys reflect a single point of failure. This leaves the entire system at risk even when a single element fails. The whole remote visibility and centralized configuration capabilities will get perturbed.

Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud vs. Hybrid Cloud – what is in the line?

In recent years, the latest technologies push controllers forward and extended to the cloud platform. In a cloud-handled WLAN architecture, companies do not need to buy physical controllers and deploy them on every site. The cloud runs like a virtual controller that dwells in a Public Cloud, and all the distributed wireless access points connect to it via the Internet.

The cloud offers remote monitoring, troubleshooting, and provisioning to every access point.

The cloud-handled WLAN services depend on subscribed licenses to work, and the cloud will manage all the issues such as storage, data back-up, redundancy, and more. The service may be offered free or at a subscription-based rate.

Cost savings benefit factors have overrun the business’s expectations. They have now realized the real power of cloud computing after they know for a fact that the IT teams can react faster and effectively to the business needs. Agility and ease of development make cloud computing a more preferred choice.

In comparison with the on-premises options, the public cloud services are gaining more popularity amongst various organizations of diverse sectors, looking for centralized administration and lower costs.

What Velan offers your business?

Velan is more than a decade-old outsourcing partner for clients worldwide. We understand your business goals, analyze your business needs, study your history, and finally recommend the best cloud platform that will align with your business goals for the future.

We have an indigenous cloud management team that will make your deployment, configuration, and remote-working setup effortless. After we have set your organization cloud-agnostic, we will train you and get your hands-on on the new platform. Operational efficiency will be strengthened, and you can maximize the power of your resources.

We help you choose the best cloud service provider, optimize your spending, and give you the best solution to achieve your goals.

Peter Paul

Technology Consultant

About the Author:

Peter has over 20+ years of experience in managing and delivering enterprise applications and IT infrastructure. He served several IT companies in the US and Canada before joining Velan. He is instrumental in deploying, managing and delivering latest technologies at Velan. He can be reached at


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