How Can eCommerce Automation with RPA Help? 7 Sep 2023

ecommerce automation in rpa

Is your eCommerce Business Ready for a Boost? Explore the Advantages of RPA-Powered Automation!

As the eCommerce industry expands at an exponential rate, so does the need for quicker and more effective working methods. The use of robotic process automation (RPA) software is one method that many businesses are starting to solve this issue.

According to Grand View Research, the worldwide eCommerce industry will be worth USD 9.09 trillion by 2019 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 14.7% from 2020 to 2027. The need for RPA solutions, which may assist businesses in automating their workflows and scaling up their operations without the need for more staff members, is set to increase as a result of this rapid expansion.

Online Retail is increasingly using e-commerce automation, particularly Robotic Process Automation (RPA), to gain a competitive edge. Learn more about RPA’s applications, how to utilize it, and why adopting it can help your eCommerce business succeed by reading on.

How can online retail enterprises benefit from robotic process automation?

Businesses are seeking solutions to scale up their operations fast, efficiently, and inexpensively due to rising customer expectations and the competitive eCommerce market.

For managing rising data loads, automating repetitive operations, and speeding up customer service response times, RPA can offer the ideal answer. Data is crucial to the success of eCommerce, and with the appropriate technologies in place, businesses can transform this data into useful insights to enhance their processes.

RPA, for instance, may assist eCommerce companies in a variety of ways, such as:

  • A rise in operational effectiveness
  • Increased data handling efficiency
  • Enhanced capacity for decision-making
  • Increased adherence to industry rules
  • Cost savings

Why is eCommerce automation essential?

eCommerce automation is essential to streamline operations, boost efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance customer experiences in the fast-paced world of online retail. Certainly, here are the reasons why

eCommerce automation is essential, broken down into pointers:

Efficiency Boost

  • Automation accelerates processes, minimizing manual effort and time consumption.

Error Reduction

  • Automated tasks reduce human errors, leading to higher accuracy in order processing and customer interactions.


  • As your business grows, automation ensures consistent performance without the need for extensive manual intervention.

Time Savings

  • Automated workflows free up staff to focus on strategic tasks, innovation, and customer engagement.

24/7 Operations

  • Automation enables continuous operations, providing customers with round-the-clock service and support.

Inventory Management

  • Real-time updates and alerts help optimize stock levels, preventing overstocking or stockouts.


  • Automation facilitates personalized customer experiences through data-driven insights and tailored communications.

Faster Order Fulfillment

  • Automated order processing and shipping workflows lead to quicker delivery times.

Data-Driven Decisions

  • Automation generates valuable data insights for informed business decisions and improved strategies.

Cost Efficiency

  • Reduced reliance on manual labour cuts operational costs, enhancing overall profitability.

Competitive Edge

  • Automation allows you to keep up with market demands, outperform competitors, and adapt swiftly.

Customer Satisfaction

  • Quick response times, accurate orders, and personalized experiences foster positive customer relations.

In essence, eCommerce automation is crucial for optimizing operations, staying competitive, and delivering exceptional customer service in the dynamic online retail landscape.

What processes in the E-Commerce sector could benefit from RPA?

Numerous processes within the e-commerce sector can benefit from Robotic Process Automation (RPA), enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and customer experiences. Some key processes include:

Order Processing:

RPA can automate order confirmation, payment verification, and updating inventory and shipping details, reducing errors and processing times.

Inventory Management:

RPA can monitor stock levels, generate restocking alerts, update product availability, and manage inventory data across platforms.

Customer Onboarding:

RPA can automate account creation, email notifications, and customer data entry, ensuring a seamless onboarding experience.

Price and Promotion Management:

RPA can track competitors’ prices and adjust your pricing strategies dynamically, optimizing competitiveness.

Returns and Refunds:

RPA can automate return request handling, validate refund eligibility, and update inventory and accounting records.

Data Entry and Validation:

RPA can process large volumes of data, such as product information, customer details, and sales records, with minimal errors.

Email Communication:

RPA-driven chatbots can respond to customer inquiries, provide order status updates, and offer assistance around the clock.

Invoice and Billing:

RPA can automate invoice generation, validation, and billing, improving accuracy and efficiency in financial processes.

Product Listing and Updates:

RPA can create, update, and manage product listings across various e-commerce platforms, ensuring consistency.

Supplier Communication:

RPA can automate communication with suppliers, handling order placement, tracking, and invoicing.

Order Tracking:

RPA can provide real-time order tracking updates to customers, enhancing transparency and customer satisfaction.

Customer Feedback Analysis:

RPA can gather and analyze customer feedback from reviews and surveys, providing valuable insights for improvements.

Fraud Detection:

RPA can analyze transactions for unusual patterns, flagging potential fraud and triggering alerts for further investigation.

Supply Chain Monitoring:

RPA can monitor supply chain processes, track shipments, and manage order routing for optimal efficiency.

Marketplace Management:

RPA can synchronize listings, inventory, and orders across different online marketplaces, ensuring consistency.

Social Media Management:

RPA can schedule posts, respond to messages, and analyze social media engagement for effective marketing.


RPA-driven data analysis can tailor recommendations, promotions, and product suggestions based on customer behaviour.

Competitor Analysis:

RPA can monitor competitors’ product offerings, pricing strategies, and promotions to inform your business decisions.

What are the benefits of eCommerce automation with RPA?

Now, the word “automation” refers to a wide range of solutions, including RPA. But what precisely is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation is a bot-based automation system that is tailored to carry out certain processes, as the name suggests.

RPA algorithms that have already been coded are ideal for repetitive, time-consuming, and data-intensive procedures. Once in place, they can carry out these time-consuming operations accurately and without interruption, freeing up human personnel to concentrate on jobs that call for creativity or skill.

RPA is particularly suited for eCommerce because of its adaptability to a variety of operations. Let’s talk about those that, both from the customer and business sides, offer the most promise for RPA automation.

Which business procedures in e-commerce should be automated?

For customers

Making sure your customers have an outstanding buying experience and assistance should be one of your top goals since customers are more aware and demanding than ever. It is made feasible by RPA’s optimization of several customer-focused processes:

Order tracking and status updates

Order monitoring and status updates are now commonplace. You may follow an order as it moves from your warehouse to the customer’s doorstep. Giving every consumer this kind of visibility on a wider scale might be challenging or impossible if you do it manually. Bots can manage delivery status updates, letting your consumers know how things are going in almost real-time.

Automated assistance

The personal touch is irreplaceable in customer service, right? An RPA chat or voice bot may easily do the task if the answer to the inquiry is brief and simple. Additionally, giving typical, straightforward assistance instances like inquiries about your refund policy or shipping options to bots can save both your clients’ patience and the trouble of your human customer service representatives.

Evaluate management

32% of consumers check online reviews before making a purchase, making handling customer feedback an essential component of an eCommerce company. Using natural language processing (NLP), RPA bots can discriminate between good and bad reviews and respond accordingly, whether it’s by sending an automatic response, alerting your customer relations team, or storing comments for further research.

Processing of returns

Being forced to deal with a difficult return process after a purchase is the only thing that could be worse than being dissatisfied with it. RPA reduces friction by automatically updating your internal systems, updating the inventory, alerting the client on the progress, and changing the money return.

Loyalty control

The real issue is getting customers back once you’ve already drawn them in. Your client base will be divided up into smaller groups depending on the number or value of their orders, and these groups will then be targeted with customized loyalty program messaging. If you run a loyalty program, RPA can keep track of all points that are earned, claimed, or transferred as well as maintain customer profile information.

For businesses

RPA can help every department in your organization on the business side of things. Here are a few instances:

Stock tracking and reporting

Just as with customer order tracking, you can train bots to continuously check your inventory. For instance, they may send automatic alerts as soon as a supply gets low or even submit a purchase order to your vendor, ensuring that you never run out of anything.

Processing payments and invoices

Regardless of the business, invoicing, and accounting jobs are among the finest to automate using RPA since they rely heavily on data entry and extraction. RPA is capable of handling reconciliation, accounts payable, and accounts receivable, and gathering, creating, and issuing invoices.

Planning for stores and classification of products

Sensible, well-organized product categories make it quicker and easier to explore and purchase items from your business. By examining user-related data, assigning characteristics, developing unique product mapping rules (depending on, for example, product name or image), and positioning things precisely where your consumers anticipate to find them, RPA improves product classification.

Generation of content

Thousands of goods may be available on your online store, each with a listing that has to be updated often. If you do it manually, you’ll need to hire full-time content managers and perform a ton of tedious data input. Alternatively, you might delegate it to RPA and have your experts focus on enhancing your SEO or social media content.

Daily marketing activities

A marketer’s typical day is full of tedious but important tasks that divert their attention from developing fresh strategies for luring and engaging customers. generic emailing, competition analysis, SEO upkeep, client data updates, and reports. The power of your marketing professionals may be unleashed by automating all these duties.

What are the challenges of eCommerce automation with RPA

E-commerce automation with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) offers significant benefits, but it also comes with its own set of challenges:

Complexity of Processes:

Some e-commerce processes involve intricate decision-making and interactions that can be challenging to program accurately into RPA bots.

System Compatibility:

Integrating RPA with existing e-commerce systems, platforms, and APIs can be complex and require customization to ensure seamless data flow.

Data Variability:

E-commerce data can be inconsistent and may require data cleansing and transformation before RPA can effectively process it.

Process Changes:

Frequent changes in e-commerce processes, such as updates in order processing or inventory management, can lead to the need for continuous adjustments to RPA workflows.

Exceptions Handling:

Handling exceptions or errors that deviate from predefined processes can be challenging for RPA, often requiring human intervention or advanced AI algorithms.


As e-commerce businesses grow, the RPA setup needs to scale accordingly, which might involve additional development and maintenance efforts.

Security Concerns:

Integrating RPA with sensitive customer data requires robust security measures to prevent data breaches and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Training and Maintenance:

Regular maintenance and updates are essential to keep RPA bots efficient and up to date with evolving e-commerce practices.

Employee Resistance:

Employees might feel threatened by automation, fearing job displacement or changes in their roles, which can impact their acceptance of RPA implementation.

Initial Investment:

Setting up RPA infrastructure, training employees, and customizing processes can require a significant upfront investment.

Vendor Selection:

Choosing the right RPA vendor or solution that aligns with your e-commerce needs and future goals is crucial for successful implementation.

Change Management:

Transitioning to an automated environment requires change management to ensure a smooth adaptation by employees and stakeholders.

Regulatory Compliance:

Adhering to e-commerce regulations and data privacy laws while implementing RPA is essential to avoid legal issues.

Process Mapping:

Properly mapping complex e-commerce processes for automation can be time-consuming and requires a deep understanding of the business workflows.

Integration with AI:

Integrating RPA with AI technologies for more advanced tasks like natural language processing can pose integration challenges.

Use cases of RPA in Retail/E-commerce

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) offers a multitude of use cases within the retail and e-commerce industry, revolutionizing various aspects of business operations. Here are some prominent examples:

Order Processing Automation

RPA can handle end-to-end order processing, from order placement to payment verification, inventory updates, and order fulfilment, reducing manual errors and speeding up the entire process.

Inventory Management

RPA can automate inventory tracking, ensuring real-time updates on stock levels, generating alerts for restocking, and preventing overstocking or stockouts.

Price and Promotion Monitoring

RPA can monitor competitors’ prices and promotional activities, enabling dynamic pricing adjustments and ensuring your business remains competitive.

Customer Service

RPA-driven chatbots can provide instant customer support, answer queries, assist with order tracking, and resolve common issues 24/7.

Data Entry and Management

RPA can handle data entry tasks, like updating product information, customer records, and sales data, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

Returns and Refunds

RPA can automate the process of handling returns and refunds, ensuring timely processing and accurate communication with customers.

Supplier Communication

RPA can streamline communication with suppliers, automating order placement, tracking, and invoice processing.

E-commerce Platform Integration

RPA can connect various e-commerce platforms, automating data synchronization between inventory, orders, and customer information.

Fraud Detection and Prevention

RPA can analyze transactions and customer behaviour patterns, identifying potential fraudulent activities and triggering alerts for further investigation.


RPA-driven data analysis can help create personalized recommendations for customers based on their purchase history, improving cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Product Catalogue Management

RPA can automate the creation, updating, and management of product catalogues across various platforms, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

Email Marketing Automation

RPA can handle email marketing campaigns, segmenting customers, sending personalized emails, and analyzing campaign effectiveness.

Supply Chain Management

RPA can optimize supply chain processes by automating order routing, demand forecasting, and tracking shipments.

Invoice and Billing

RPA can automate invoice generation, validation, and billing processes, ensuring accuracy and timely payments.

Marketplace Management

RPA can manage listings, inventory updates, and order processing across multiple online marketplaces, ensuring a cohesive presence.

The Advantages of Using Automation Solutions in Your Online Marketplace:

Here are some ways that RPA e-commerce automation might help your company.

  • RPA e-commerce automation solution helps businesses save time & expense while increasing productivity by enabling employees to concentrate on goals. Time is your biggest valuable asset as a shop owner.
  • RPA e-commerce automation solutions ARE the secret to getting more done in less time by operationalizing time-consuming operations.
  • It helps the company to grow faster. Marketing and advertising, as well as customer support, may benefit from automation.
  • It may assist you in managing these duties by arranging activities, optimizing procedures, and classifying store information.
  • Quick automatic email notifications can ensure a speedy response.

Moreover, e-commerce automation may inform your security or fraud-prevention personnel for on-the-spot examination, potentially saving you cash in refunds and lost profits.

Ready for RPA in your eCommerce business?

Innovation and efficiency are essential for keeping ahead in the quickly changing world of eCommerce. RPA, or robotic process automation, has become a game-changing tool that is transforming how organizations run. RPA has the potential to transform your eCommerce business, from reducing procedures to improving consumer experiences.’

What Velan Can Do to Help

At Velan, we specialize in providing cutting-edge solutions to organizations. With unsurpassed efficiency, accuracy, and scalability, our RPA expertise is geared to revolutionize your eCommerce operations.

With a track record of successfully integrating RPA, we’re committed to streamlining your operations, cutting expenses, and enhancing your bottom line.

Allow Velan to be your strategic partner as you leverage RPA to achieve Online Retail e-commerce success. To realize the full potential of your company, contact us right away.

Vignesh G

eCommerce Consultant

About the Author:

Vignesh Gopalakrishnan leads the e-commerce team at Velan. He has transformed many businesses to digital platform by delivering scalable eCommerce solutions. With more than 6 years of experience in various e-commerce platforms like Magento, Shopify, Prestashop, and Bigcommerce, his team delivers custom eCommerce solutions catering to small, medium and large enterprises worldwide. He can be reached at


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